
Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems

Free Automotive Book contains Classroom and Workshop Manuals, 5th Edition Update by John F. Kershaw

Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems


Book Format PDF
Book Language English
Book Size 13 MB
Number of Pages 367
ISBN 978-0132388849
Publisher Pearson; 5th edition (Feb. 5 2007)
About This Book

Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems book is unlike any other textbook you have used before. It is actually two books, the Classroom Manual and the Shop Manual. They have different purposes and should be used together.

The Classroom Manual teaches what a technician needs to know about electrical and electronic theory, systems, and components. The Classroom Manual is valuable in class and at home, both for study and for reference. The text and illustrations can be used for years hence to refresh your memory about the basics of automotive electrical and electronic systems and also about related topics in automotive history, physics, mathematics, and technology.

This fifth edition update text is based upon detailed learning objectives, which are listed at the beginning of each chapter. The Shop Manual teaches test procedures, troubleshooting techniques, and how to repair the systems and components introduced in the Classroom Manual.

The Shop Manual provides the practical, hands-on information required for working on automotive electrical and electronic systems. Use the two manuals together to understand fully how the systems work and how to make repairs when something is not working. This fifth edition update text is based upon the 2002 NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) Tasks, which are listed in the beginning of each chapter. The fifth edition update Shop Manual contains Job Sheet assessments that cover the 56 tasks in the NATEF 2002 A6 Electrical/Electronics repair area.

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