
Free eBook: Advanced Automotive Electricity and Electronics

By Michael Klyde and Kirk VanGelder

Advanced Automotive Electricity and Electronics

About This Book

Advanced Automotive Electricity and Electronics was created to help you on your path to a career in the transportation industry. Employability basics covered early in the text will help you get and keep a job in the field. Essential technical skills are built-in cover-to-cover and are the core building blocks of an advanced technician’s skill set.

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This book also introduces “strategy-based diagnostics,” a method used to solve technical problems correctly on the first attempt. The text covers every task the industry standard recommends for technicians, and will help you on your path to a successful career. As you navigate this textbook, ask yourself, “What does a technician need to know and be able to do at work?” This book is set up to answer that question.

Each chapter starts by listing the technicians’ tasks that are covered within the chapter. These are your objectives. Each chapter ends by reviewing those things a technician needs to know. The content of each chapter is written to explain each objective. As you study, continue to ask yourself that question. Gauge your progress by imagining yourself as the technician.

Do you have the knowledge, and can you perform the tasks required at the beginning of each chapter? Combining your knowledge with hands-on experience is essential to becoming a Master Technician. During your training, remember that the best thing you can do as a technician learns to learn.

This will serve you well because vehicles keep advancing, and good technicians never stop learning. Stay curious. Ask questions. Practice your skills, and always remember that one of the best resources you have for learning is right there in your classroom… your instructor.

Book Format PDF
Book Language English
Boo Size 57.5 MB
Page Count 423
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